Addiction Treatment

How Long Do Benzodiazepine Withdrawal Symptoms Last?

How long do benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms last? There is no definitive answer to the questions. Some symptoms may last for a few hours, while some can last for several months after you quit taking the drug. In rare cases, some people may experience withdrawal symptoms for several years after quitting. A benzodiazepine addiction treatment program can provide [...]

How Long Do Benzodiazepine Withdrawal Symptoms Last? Read More »

Clients sit in a circle at their cocaine addiction rehab center

How to Help an Alcoholic Family Member

Alcoholism is a heartbreaking problem that affects many families in the United States. In fact, research indicates that the number of deaths attributed to alcohol is higher than that of even opioid addiction. From 2007 to 2017, deaths from alcohol rose 35 percent while the overall death rate only rose 24 percent. Deaths among women

How to Help an Alcoholic Family Member Read More »

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Addiction can drain you of your mental and physical health.…

The life skills training program at Northern Illinois Recovery Center…

Helping someone overcome an addiction can be one of the…

Substance abuse and mental health disorders require lifelong management and…

When you become addicted to meth, meth withdrawal symptoms can…

Even though everyone is prone or susceptible to developing an…

When someone struggles with drug abuse, finding the right addiction…

Detoxing from heroin can be tough, which is why it…

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