If you are working on becoming sober, then it’s vital to understand the common pitfalls in recovery. This will be helpful for you to ensure your recovery is a success, and you stay on the pathway of healing. One myth when it comes to drug rehab or recovery is that once a person goes through detox and quits, then everything is over. If you educate yourself about what the common pitfalls in recovery are, then you will be better able to avoid them.

How Long Does It Take To Recover?

When you think about recovering, remember that this is a lifelong effort. Just as with any disease, you can keep the symptoms in check. However, if you don’t maintain good habits, the symptoms can spring back up again. In other words, drug addiction doesn’t just disappear. You’ll always have the capacity to fall back into it. That’s why it’s so critical to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. As you recover, you can do well by taking heed to these pitfalls and overcoming them.

Common Pitfalls In Recovery

Some of the more common pitfalls in recovery may not be completely avoided, but you can be aware of them. They are:

  • Overconfidence: After going through detox and getting your body cleansed from drugs, people generally feel great. This can translate into a lot of confidence. While it’s helpful to have some confidence, you don’t want to get so overconfident that you eliminate appropriate treatment.
  • Wrong Friends: Your friends and associations will also have a bearing on how well you succeed on the journey to health. The wrong friends can drag you back to the drugs you left behind. It’s important to have positive influences in your life. With the right friends, you will be uplifted and encouraged to stay on the pathway to healing.
  • Bad Environment: Some places may make you think about doing drugs. Places that have a “party” atmosphere could be a pitfall for someone recovering from an addiction.
  • Not Knowing Your Triggers: If you don’t know what your triggers are, then an unexpected event may throw you off. However, if you are prepared by knowing your triggers, then you can overcome them.
  • Not Going To Therapy: You may think that you don’t need to go to therapy, but this will give you the strength you need to be successful in your journey. Therapy teaches your critical skills to live sober. You will also have the opportunity to bond with others who are going through similar situations.

Find Hope At Northern Illinois Recovery Center

Hope available when you seek treatment at Northern Illinois Recovery Center. Our licensed therapists offer a compassionate treatment program that will help you avoid the pitfalls of relapsing. When you work with us, you’ll find the answers to your inner needs through our therapeutic sessions. You can select the type of treatment program that works best for you from the ones offered. Some of these include:

Depending on your lifestyle and commitments, you and your intake coordinator will go over the best options for you. Next, you can discuss the therapy modules. Therapy will be a foundational component of your treatment. Some of these therapies include:

  • Individual therapy treatment
  • Group therapy treatment
  • EMDR treatment
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy treatment
  • Family therapy treatment

Don’t let substance abuse ruin your life and steal your joy. Now that you know more about the common pitfalls in recovery, you can find hope for the future. Contact us at 855.786.1978, and we’ll get you on the path to recovery today.

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Common Pitfalls In Recovery

If you are working on becoming sober, then it's vital to understand the common pitfalls in recovery. This will be helpful for you to ensure your recovery is a success, and you stay on the pathway of healing. One myth when it comes to drug rehab or recovery is that once a person goes through detox and quits, then everything is over. If you educate yourself about what the common pitfalls in recovery are, then you will be better able to avoid them.

How Long Does It Take To Recover?

When you think about recovering, remember that this is a lifelong effort. Just as with any disease, you can keep the symptoms in check. However, if you don't maintain good habits, the symptoms can spring back up again. In other words, drug addiction doesn't just disappear. You'll always have the capacity to fall back into it. That's why it's so critical to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. As you recover, you can do well by taking heed to these pitfalls and overcoming them.

Common Pitfalls In Recovery

Some of the more common pitfalls in recovery may not be completely avoided, but you can be aware of them. They are:

  • Overconfidence: After going through detox and getting your body cleansed from drugs, people generally feel great. This can translate into a lot of confidence. While it's helpful to have some confidence, you don't want to get so overconfident that you eliminate appropriate treatment.
  • Wrong Friends: Your friends and associations will also have a bearing on how well you succeed on the journey to health. The wrong friends can drag you back to the drugs you left behind. It's important to have positive influences in your life. With the right friends, you will be uplifted and encouraged to stay on the pathway to healing.
  • Bad Environment: Some places may make you think about doing drugs. Places that have a "party" atmosphere could be a pitfall for someone recovering from an addiction.
  • Not Knowing Your Triggers: If you don't know what your triggers are, then an unexpected event may throw you off. However, if you are prepared by knowing your triggers, then you can overcome them.
  • Not Going To Therapy: You may think that you don't need to go to therapy, but this will give you the strength you need to be successful in your journey. Therapy teaches your critical skills to live sober. You will also have the opportunity to bond with others who are going through similar situations.

Find Hope At Northern Illinois Recovery Center

Hope available when you seek treatment at Northern Illinois Recovery Center. Our licensed therapists offer a compassionate treatment program that will help you avoid the pitfalls of relapsing. When you work with us, you'll find the answers to your inner needs through our therapeutic sessions. You can select the type of treatment program that works best for you from the ones offered. Some of these include:

Depending on your lifestyle and commitments, you and your intake coordinator will go over the best options for you. Next, you can discuss the therapy modules. Therapy will be a foundational component of your treatment. Some of these therapies include:

  • Individual therapy treatment
  • Group therapy treatment
  • EMDR treatment
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy treatment
  • Family therapy treatment

Don't let substance abuse ruin your life and steal your joy. Now that you know more about the common pitfalls in recovery, you can find hope for the future. Contact us at 855.786.1978, and we'll get you on the path to recovery today.

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