Drug Information

Commonly Abused Drugs in the City of Chicago

Addiction is a big problem in Chicago. Thousands of people struggle with a substance abuse disorder every year. Treatment options are available in Chicago, but many people delay or refuse to get the help they need despite the negative consequences of their substance abuse.

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3 of the Most Dangerous Party Drugs

Partying and clubbing is a long-held American tradition, especially for teenagers and young adults. Unfortunately, most parties involve party drugs (mostly psychoactive substances) to heighten the enjoyment. Party lovers and parents of teenagers need to gather substantial knowledge about such drugs. It can help maintain safety at parties. In Northern Illinois Recovery, we can help

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What Are the Latest Teen Drug Abuse Statistics?

As with everything else during adolescence, teenagers experiment with all substances, including drugs and alcohol. The latest teen drug abuse statistics indicate that the trend is worsening as experimentation spreads from illicit drugs into prescription medication and common household chemicals. Thus, it's important to understand what substance abuse treatment options are available. Addiction treatment centers

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Are Sleeping Pills Addictive? Read This to Find Out

People who have conditions like insomnia are often prescribed sleeping pills, medications to assist them in falling or staying asleep. Yet, these medications can be misused, leading to an inadvertent dependency. In some cases, individuals intentionally abuse their prescription medication leading to a dependency or addiction. Individuals need professional support to address, heal, and recover

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ptsd rehab program

Prescription Drugs Definition

Substance abuse disorders are common in the United States. Americans regularly abuse and misuse prescription drugs. In fact, 18 million Americans misuse prescription drugs annually. The prescription drugs definition isn’t complex: prescription medications include all substances that can legally be administered and prescribed by your doctor. Unfortunately, prescription drugs, like illicit substances, carry the risk of abuse and dependency.

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dealing with withdrawal pain

Signs of Valium Abuse

Valium is a benzodiazepine that doctors prescribe to treat anxiety, seizures, or muscle spasms. While valium is effective in treating mental or physical conditions, it is also highly addictive. One of the reasons why valium is popular is because the euphoric effects it produces lasts a long time. As such, the signs of valium abuse may be easily identifiable.

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Heroin Side Effects

Heroin is a chemical variation of pain killer medications. It shares several similarities with other opioid drugs, including morphine. However, where some pain killer medications are derived naturally from the poppy seed (which produces opium), heroin is chemically produced. Due to the added chemicals, it can have more extreme side effects than plant-based drugs.

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Drug Information/page/2

Addiction is a big problem in Chicago. Thousands of people…

With the growing popularity of vaping, people may wonder about…

Methamphetamine is a powerful central nervous system stimulant that creates…

Valium is a benzodiazepine that doctors prescribe to treat anxiety,…

Substance abuse disorders are common in the United States. Americans…

Heroin is a chemical variation of pain killer medications. It…

Klonopin is a benzodiazepine that doctors prescribe for seizures, convulsions,…

A growing number of people are abusing stimulants across the…

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