Determining the cost of drug and alcohol rehab can feel frustrating and confusing. In fact, many people put off looking for treatment for financial reasons alone. If you’re trying to determine what your costs will be, then we’re here to try to answer some common questions. The good news is insurance coverage for addiction treatment services has come a very long way and in many cases all if not part of your costs will be covered by your insurance provider. Interested in verifying your insurance?


Will My Insurance Cover Addiction Treatment?

The most common question is if insurance covers rehab, and typically the answer is yes! The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) mandated the coverage of substance abuse and mental health disorders treatment as a part of essential health benefits. This means that it is required by law for insurance plans to include coverage for these services.

It’s important to note that the type and extent of the coverage are still varied by plan and insurance provider. You should speak with an insurance representative to determine your plan benefits. You can also reach out to an admissions counselor at a treatment facility and they can help you determine how your plan relates specifically to that treatment center.

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Will Mental Health or Dual Diagnosis Services be Covered?

Mental health coverage is also mandated by law as a part of the MHPAEA. Therefore private and public insurance providers alike must provide some form of coverage. In addition to being mandated, many insurance providers are providing supplemental coverage for mental health therapies and types of treatment to help people get the help they need. This includes coverage for some forms of treatment that are considered holistic.

In fact, many employers now consider this essential as part of their benefits packages to employees. Safeguarding employees’ mental health and wellness has been shown to be an effective tool to improve business productivity and improve employee job satisfaction. Utilizing these benefits is encouraged and many employers provide services to help individuals understand their benefits better.

Does Medicare or Medicaid Cover Rehab for Drugs and Alcohol?

All Medicare and Medicaid plans cover addiction treatment and mental health services to some extent. It does depend on the type of Medicare plan and can even vary across states. You’ll need to speak with someone to determine your policy benefits and what that means for your costs.

Medicaid is a program that offers health care benefits that are partially funded by the government. These benefits help individuals that qualify access benefits that they may not otherwise be able to obtain.

Medicare is a similar program to Medicaid however it is only offered to those individuals that are 65 years and older.

At this time Northern Illinois Recovery is not in network with Medicare or Medicaid plans, however, we may be included as part of out-of-network benefits.

What is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act?

This is sometimes referred to as “Obamacare.” The Affordable Care Act  (ACA) was enacted in 2010. The goal of this act was to provide all Americans with access to quality, affordable health care.

The ACA requires that all insurance plans cover certain essential benefits, including substance abuse and mental health services. This means that if you have a plan that is compliant with the ACA, your plan will most likely cover at least some of the cost of drug or alcohol rehab.

If you’re not sure if your insurance plan is ACA-compliant, our team can help you verify your coverage and find a treatment option that fits your budget.

What Does it Mean if Northern Illinois Recovery is “In-Network” with my Insurance Company?

To be in-network means that an insurance company has contracted with a provider (in this case, Northern Illinois Recovery) to cover a set percentage of the costs of services rendered.

For example, let’s say your insurance plan has a 70/30 coin split for mental health services. This means that your insurance company will pay 70% of the approved amount for services, and you will be responsible for the remaining 30%.

If you visit a provider who is not in your insurance network, you may have to pay the full cost of treatment yourself. This is why it’s important to make sure that Northern Illinois Recovery is in-network with your specific insurance plan.

What if My Insurance Company Says They Don’t Cover Rehab?

There are a few different reasons why your insurance company might say they don’t cover rehab. The first reason is that they may not have a contract with any providers in your area. In this case, you may be able to get coverage if you’re willing to travel for treatment.

The second reason is that your insurance company may not consider addiction to be a medical condition that requires treatment. This is especially true for policies that were purchased before the Affordable Care Act was passed.

If your insurance company says they don’t cover rehab, the best thing to do is call them and ask to speak to a supervisor. It’s possible that the person you spoke to was misinformed or didn’t understand your policy. It’s also possible that your insurance company has changed its policy since you last checked.

If you’re still having trouble getting coverage, you can call Northern Illinois Recovery. We work with a number of insurance companies and can help you get the treatment you need.

What if I Don’t Have Insurance?

If you don’t have insurance, you may be able to get coverage through Medicaid or Medicare. You can also check to see if there are any sliding scale programs in your area.

You may also be able to get financial assistance from the treatment center itself. Many centers offer scholarships or payment plans for those who can’t afford to pay the full cost of treatment.

If you’re not sure where to start, give us a call at Northern Illinois Recovery. We can help you figure out what your options are and get you on the path to recovery.

Common Questions Regarding Insurance and Verification

Insurance is a contract between you and an insurance company. It is designed to protect you from financial loss in the event of an accident or illness. There are many different types of insurance, but most health insurance plans will cover some or all of the costs of drug and alcohol rehab.

Verification is the process of confirming that you have insurance coverage. This usually involves calling your insurance company and providing them with your policy information.

Coinsurance is the portion of your medical bills that you are responsible for paying. It is usually a percentage of the total bill, and it may vary depending on the type of service you receive. For example, you may have to pay 20% coinsurance for outpatient services and 50% for inpatient services.

A deductible is the amount of money you must pay out-of-pocket before your insurance company starts to pay for your care. For example, if your deductible is $500, you will be responsible for the first $500 of your medical bills.

Your out-of-pocket maximum is the most you will have to pay for covered services in a year. Once you reach your out-of-pocket maximum, your insurance company will pay 100% of the costs of covered benefits.

Out-of-network providers have not agreed to accept the negotiated rate set by your insurance company. This means that you may have to pay more if you receive care from an out-of-network provider.

Your Not Alone: Navigating Insurance Policies Can Be Challenging!

If you have put off addiction treatment due to worry over your insurance verification status, then you’re not alone in that regard. Financial costs also prevent many other people from considering entering treatment. However, you can get addiction treatment insurance verification fairly quickly with Northern Illinois Recovery Center. You could also have access to coverage options you were completely unaware of. Of course, there’s only one way to find out!

How Can I Get Insurance Verification?

Importantly, insurance coverage can be a useful way to mitigate as well as potentially cover the cost of addiction treatment programs as well as detox. This does not only relieve a financial burden but allows clients the ability to focus on their treatment. Worrying over money can also be incredibly distracting and people need that focus the most for addiction treatment. For this reason, it is important to verify your insurance coverage when looking into rehabs.

Which Addiction Treatment Programs Does Insurance Cover?

You can also fill out our insurance verification form to find out more about the coverage available to you. Once you’ve got your rehab insurance verification you’ll want to arm yourself with knowledge about the programs and therapies that we offer.

Verify Your Insurance to Understand Your Options

For many people, having insurance coverage can be the reason they are then able to receive treatment. Therefore, Northern Illinois Recovery Center works hard to expedite insurance verification so that you can begin the admissions process as quickly as possible.

Of course, at Northern Illinois Recovery Center, our experts will build you a customized treatment regimen from our addiction therapy services. One which takes into account your specific preferences and then builds a plan around them. In doing so, we consider your addiction, mental health, insurance, and personal needs. Our programs are therefore able to return you to a happy, healthy life of sobriety.

The journey to a happier and healthier life begins when our admissions specialists verify your insurance. Call us today at 855.458.1739 to speak with our staff!

Insurance Verification

Northern Illinois Recovery Center strives to make treatment accessible and affordable. To do so, our northern IL rehab center works with a range of insurance companies.

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Insurance for Addiction Treatment

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